Paper Willow
Venue Painting
Venue Painting
Estimated delivery 3-10 working days
Venue painting; how does it work?
Some customers want to add a bespoke venue paintings to their wedding stationery. Venue paintings look really great on front covers or featured inside your stationery. They will make your stationery look much more bespoke and personal and they make your stationery much more of a keep-sake item.
If we paint a venue for you the image can be used anywhere on any stationery bought from Paper Willow. They can be used on maps or featured on order of service cards. Anywhere you like. Lots of couples ask us to make them a mounted print to keep.
We paint venues digitally using a digital pen and ink or watercolour technique. We work from photography we find online unless you supply us with better images. We may choose angles to paint from that will look nice on your design (such as a front on view for a front cover).
Venue paintings tend to be slightly more detailed than the smaller illustrations on maps. This is so we can print it at a larger size.
What do I get for a venue painting?
For £50 we will do a detailed pen & ink drawing. For £90 we will do a detailed full colour watercolour painting. If appropriate we will add trees and greenery around the painting. This covers approximately 2-4 hours of design work with 2 rounds of small changes included.
I think the painting I want may be more complex than this. What should I do?
Please just get in touch with us if you think you require something a bit more complex. We'll be able to provide you with a quote for the design time needed and lots of advice about what will work.
I would like a copy of my painting to use elsewhere. Is this possible?
When we paint something for you (either a painting or map) we retain the copyright of that image. This means that you will not be permitted to use it or print it elsewhere. If you do want to use it elsewhere, please get in touch with us about licensing the image for use elsewhere.
I have a painting of my venue already. Can it be used in my stationery?
Occasionally a customer comes to us and they already have a venue painting. In most cases we can use it within your stationery as long as you have permission from the artist to use it (this is usually quite easy to obtain). Other things to consider are: will the picture you have match the stationery made by Paper Willow? (Has it been painted in a similar style) and do you have a high resolution version of the image that we can print from nicely?